Dermatologists, Skin Cancer Surgeons

Surgical Dermatology

The pur­pose of sur­gi­cal der­ma­tol­ogy is to repair and/​or improve the func­tion of skin tis­sue. This includes focus­ing on the man­age­ment of the skin, hair, nails and veins. Each pro­ce­dure is indi­vid­u­al­ized depend­ing on the body loca­tion, patient’s age and any pre­vi­ous treat­ments to the area. Because of clin­i­cal advances and new tech­nol­o­gy, the major­i­ty of der­ma­to­log­ic surg­eries are now min­i­mal­ly inva­sive and require only local or region­al anes­the­sia. These advances pro­vide patients with improved patient safe­ty while reduc­ing down­time” recovery.


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