Patient Experience

We’re all in for you.

At Duly Health and Care, we are deeply com­mit­ted to going beyond the expect­ed to deliv­er an extra­or­di­nary health and care expe­ri­ence for you. We want to know not only when we get it right, but what we can do to make it better.

That’s why we have asked a lead­ing health­care sur­vey com­pa­ny to gath­er your feedback. 

After your vis­it with us, you may receive an email or a let­ter in the mail from Press Ganey ask­ing you to com­plete a sur­vey. By shar­ing your thoughts about your expe­ri­ence, you can help us rec­og­nize team mem­bers for a job well done or help us improve if we’ve fall­en short of your expectations.

If you’d like to voice a con­cern with your expe­ri­ence or pay our team mem­bers a com­pli­ment, please reach out to our Patient Expe­ri­ence depart­ment. You can reach us by phone at 1−630−456−7484, or by email at patientexperience@​

Notice regard­ing alle­ga­tions against for­mer DuPage Med­ical Group physi­cian Dr. Ver­non (Ter­ry) Cannon

DuPage Med­ical Group (DMG) cares deeply about its patients and their well-being and is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing high-qual­i­ty care.

DMG is aware that law­suits have been filed alleg­ing mis­con­duct by Dr. Ver­non Can­non, a for­mer DMG physi­cian, who has not been with DMG since 2020, and to DMG’s knowl­edge, is no longer prac­tic­ing med­i­cine. These law­suits make var­i­ous alle­ga­tions includ­ing that Dr. Can­non engaged in alco­hol-relat­ed mis­con­duct while a prac­tic­ing physi­cian.

These alle­ga­tions are the sub­ject of ongo­ing lit­i­ga­tion and have not been proven. DMG rec­og­nizes the seri­ous­ness of these alle­ga­tions and takes these and all alle­ga­tions of mis­con­duct seri­ous­ly.

DMG believes that com­pas­sion­ate, account­able and respect­ful patient care are the pil­lars to achiev­ing excel­lence and we are com­mit­ted to ensur­ing a safe envi­ron­ment for all patients. Should you have any ques­tions or con­cerns regard­ing Dr. Can­non, or any oth­er mat­ter, you may direct those com­mu­ni­ca­tions to patientexperience@​ or call (630) 456‑7484. You may also call our com­pli­ance hot­line at (630) 545‑7600.