Media Center

Wel­come to the Duly Health and Care Media Cen­ter. Here you will find our lat­est news releas­es and updates, as well as an archive of all pre­vi­ous press releas­es and media announcements.

Media Resources & Team

You will also find infor­ma­tion on Duly Health and Care’s lead­er­ship, an orga­ni­za­tion­al overview and time­line, and how to con­nect with our media rela­tions team. Look around and if you’re a reporter inter­est­ed in insights from one of our extra­or­di­nary physi­cians or team mem­bers, feel free to reach out:

Monu Kalsi
Senior Vice President, Marketing
Duly Health and Care

Duly Health and Care to Open New Clinic in Schaumburg

Duly Health and Care, through one of its med­ical groups, will open a new mul­ti-spe­cial­ty facil­i­ty in Schaum­burg, Ill. this August, the inde­pen­dent med­ical group brand announced today. The 100,000-square-foot clin­ic locat­ed at 1325 Meacham Road will be the first of its kind in the Chica­go suburb.

Duly Health and Care and Surgery Partners Announce Partnership for Outpatient Ambulatory Surgery Centers

Duly Health and Care announces a long-term, strategic partnership with Surgery Partners (SGRY) on our outpatient Ambulatory Surgery Centers in Lombard, IL and Westmont, IL. The Surgical Center of Duly Health and Care in Lombard is one of the largest and busiest multi-specialty ASCs in the state of Illinois, serving more than 20,000 patients of all ages annually. The Duly Surgery Center of Westmont serves as Duly’s best-in-class Musculoskeletal focused surgery center.

Dr. Brian Myre Joins Duly Health and Care as Director of Oncology Services

Duly Health and Care is pleased to announce the appoint­ment of Dr. Bri­an Myre as the Direc­tor of Oncol­o­gy Ser­vices. His appoint­ment is effec­tive Octo­ber 7, and he will be over­see­ing the expan­sion and enhance­ment of oncol­o­gy ser­vices across Duly Health and Care.

Duly Health and Care appoints new Chief Financial Officer

Duly Health and Care today announced Chase Ham­mon as its Chief Finan­cial Offi­cer. In this role, Ham­mon will serve an inte­gral role in bring­ing con­tin­ued scal­a­bil­i­ty to the busi­ness while dri­ving sig­nif­i­cant growth. He will join Duly’s exec­u­tive lead­er­ship team and report direct­ly to CEO Dan Greenleaf.

8 Duly Physicians Named Top Docs 2024 by Chicago Magazine

Eight physi­cians from Duly Health and Care are among those named as Top Doc­tors in Chica­go magazine’s Jan­u­ary 2024 issue focused on physi­cians prac­tic­ing in Cook Coun­ty. Duly physi­cians rec­og­nized in the pres­ti­gious rank­ing serve in spe­cial­ties includ­ing Fam­i­ly Med­i­cine, Med­ical Oncol­o­gy, Car­dio­vas­cu­lar Dis­ease, Gas­troen­terol­o­gy and Obstet­rics and Gynecology.

About Duly

Duly Health and Care is one of the largest inde­pen­dent, mul­ti-spe­­­cial­­­ty physi­­­cian-direc­t­ed med­ical groups in the nation with more than 1,000 pri­ma­ry care and spe­cial­ty care physi­cians and more than 7,000 team mem­bers, in over 150 loca­tions. The orga­ni­za­tion is whol­ly ded­i­cat­ed to help­ing all it serves flour­ish by chal­leng­ing the expect­ed to deliv­er the extra­or­di­nary in health and care.

Duly Health and Care physi­cians and team mem­bers sup­port indi­vid­u­als in their per­son­al health jour­neys each year, help­ing each one to meet their extra­or­di­nary poten­tial through a holis­tic care deliv­ery mod­el designed to make health and care wel­com­ing, sim­pli­fied, and personalized.

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