Duly Surgery Center Lombard

The Duly Surgery Cen­ter Lom­bard is a mul­ti-spe­­­cial­­­ty out­pa­tient Ambu­la­to­ry Sur­gi­cal Cen­ter (ASC) in Lom­bard, Illi­nois that pro­vides access to sur­gi­cal care with­out requir­ing a hos­pi­tal stay. Our board-cer­ti­­fied sur­geons across Gen­er­al Surgery, OB/GYN, Oph­thal­mol­o­gy, Oto­laryn­gol­o­gy (ENT), Plas­tic Surgery, Urol­o­gy and Vas­cu­lar Surgery are com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing world-class sur­gi­cal care in this state-of-the-art facil­i­ty, fea­tur­ing the lat­est med­ical advance­ments like the da Vin­ci® Xi™ sur­gi­cal sys­tem. This lead­ing-edge care, com­bined with a more inti­mate out­pa­tient expe­ri­ence, cre­ates bet­ter health out­comes for our patients. Duly Sur­geons, along with an expe­ri­enced team of nurs­es and health­care pro­fes­sion­als, will pro­vide you with excep­tion­al care before, dur­ing and after your procedure.