Pico Nasal Mask Fit Pack With Headgear

With a min­i­mal amount of parts mak­ing up the mask, the Pico Nasal CPAP Mask — Fit Pack is an easy to use mask with only two points of con­tact. This is a nasal mask which pro­vides air pres­sure through the nose only and cov­ers both nostrils.


  • Min­i­mal Contact
  • No Fore­head Support
  • Ease of Use
  • Dual Wall Cushion
  • Sup­port­ive Headgear

Min­i­mal Con­tact with No Fore­head Support

The Philips Respiron­ics Pico fea­tures a min­i­mal con­tact frame with two points of con­tact: cush­ion and head­gear. The mask does not have a tra­di­tion­al fore­head sup­port, it instead has a small head­gear con­nec­tion. The head­gear loops through this con­nec­tion to cre­ate the point of con­tact at the forehead.

Ease of Use

The PR Pico is made up of only a few eas­i­ly dis­as­sem­bled parts. The head­gear is removed from the fore­head con­nec­tion and bot­tom head­gear clips. The cush­ion can eas­i­ly be snapped in or out of the mask frame. With the head­gear and cush­ion removed, the head­gear clips, swiv­el, and frame are eas­i­ly removed from each oth­er. The min­i­mal design allows for easy clean­ing and replace­ment of parts.

Dual Wall Cushion

The Pico cush­ion is made of sil­i­cone and fea­tures a dual wall design. One wall is meant to sup­port while the oth­er cre­ates a seal. The sup­port­ive design helps pro­mote a more reli­able seal through­out the night. All three cush­ion sizes are includ­ed with the Pico Fit Pack: small/​medium, large, and extra large.

Sup­port­ive Headgear

The head­gear of the Pico mask is designed for com­fort and sup­port. The head­gear has vel­cro tabs that allow for quick and easy adjust­ments to tight­en or loosen the mask on the face. A crown strap secures the head­gear towards the back of the head to help main­tain posi­tion of the mask dur­ing therapy.

To place an order or speak with our team, please call 1−630−545−7770. If you are an exist­ing cus­tomer and you have a non-urgent ques­tion for us, please send a mes­sage through MyD­MGHealth (MyChart). We will respond with­in 2 busi­ness days.