Pediatric Ophthalmology

Com­pre­hen­sive Pedi­atric Eye Care Close to Home 

At Duly Health and Care, our pedi­atric oph­thal­mol­o­gists are ded­i­cat­ed to sup­port­ing your child’s vision health from infan­cy through ado­les­cence. Ear­ly eye exams and rou­tine screen­ings play an essen­tial role in catch­ing eye issues before they impact your child’s devel­op­ment, set­ting them up for life­long healthy vision. Our team pro­vides expert care across Chicagoland, with con­ve­nient pedi­atric oph­thal­mol­o­gy clin­ics in Hins­dale, Naperville, and Down­ers Grove. 

Our Approach to Com­pre­hen­sive Pedi­atric Eye Care at Duly Health and Care 

Our pedi­atric eye spe­cial­ists are trained to rec­og­nize the sub­tle signs of eye issues that chil­dren may not be able to put into words. With a focus on ear­ly detec­tion, we offer per­son­al­ized, high-qual­i­ty care tai­lored to each child’s needs, includ­ing every­thing from rou­tine visu­al screen­ings and eye exams to advanced sur­gi­cal and non-sur­gi­cal treatments. 

Con­di­tions We Treat 

We’re here to help your child with a wide range of pedi­atric eye con­di­tions, including: 

  • Stra­bis­mus (Eye Mis­align­ment): Man­aged with spe­cial­ized glass­es, exer­cis­es, or surgery.
  • Ambly­opia (Lazy Eye): Treat­ed with patch­ing, surgery, or cor­rec­tive lens­es to strength­en vision in the affect­ed eye. 
  • Refrac­tive Errors (Near­sight­ed­ness, Far­sight­ed­ness, Astig­ma­tism): Cor­rect­ed with glass­es, med­ica­tions, or spe­cial­ized treatments. 
  • Ocu­lar Aller­gies and Eye Infec­tions: Tai­lored relief for eye aller­gies and infec­tions to keep eyes com­fort­able and healthy. 
  • Exces­sive Tear­ing: Treat­ment options are cus­tomized based on each child’s unique needs. 

Sup­port­ing Life­long Vision Health 

We rec­om­mend sched­ul­ing an eye exam for your child by age three, as ear­ly care is the foun­da­tion for healthy vision devel­op­ment. Illi­nois also requires an eye exam with­in 12 months of kinder­garten. At Duly Health and Care, we’re here to part­ner with you in car­ing for your child’s vision. Book an appoint­ment today to give your child the best start for clear, healthy vision.



Related Specialties


Corneal Foreign Bodies

Eye Infections

Migraines & Headaches


Myopia (Nearsighted Control)

Ocular Hypertension

Ocular Trauma


Pediatric Strabismus Surgery

Eyelid Lesion Evaluation

Flashers and Floaters

ICL Surgery

Minor Eyelid and Tear Duct Procedures

Phacoemulsification & Intraocular Lens Implants

Pterygium Surgery

Routine Eye Exams

Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography


Treatment for Chalazions

Hospital Affliations