
Vision plays arguably one of the most crit­i­cal roles in our lives. We under­stand this, which is why our oph­thal­mol­o­gists are sub-spe­cial­ty trained to pro­vide every facet of oph­thal­mol­o­gy care for adult and pedi­atric patients. We strive to meet all of your needs includ­ing treat­ment of irri­ta­tions or dis­or­ders of the eye rang­ing from glau­co­ma, reti­nal dis­ease and cataracts to dia­bet­ic retinopa­thy, mac­u­lar degen­er­a­tion and stra­bis­mus. All of our oph­thal­mol­o­gists are fel­low­ship trained, board cer­ti­fied physi­cians equipped with the exper­tise to pro­vide qual­i­ty care for the sim­plest to most com­plex con­di­tions. From com­plex surg­eries to eye exams for patients with chron­ic con­di­tions, your com­fort is always a top pri­or­i­ty. We are com­mit­ted to keep­ing your vision as clear as possible.

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Related Specialties



Corneal Foreign Bodies

Eye Infections


Macular Degeneration

Macular Hole

Ocular Hypertension

Ocular Trauma

Adult Strabismus Surgery

Annual Diabetic Eye Exams

Aqueous Shunts

Cataract Evaluation and Surgery

Cornea Transplant Surgery


Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Laser Photocoagulation




Eyelid Lesion Evaluation

Flashers and Floaters

Fluorescein and Indocyanine Green Angiography

Glaucoma Management

ICL Surgery

Intravitreous Injections

Laser Retinopexy

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Hospital Affliations

AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center, GlenOaks

701 Winthrop Avenue

Glendale Heights, 60139 Illinois

(630) 545-8000

Silver Cross Hospital

1900 Silver Cross Boulevard

New Lenox, 60451 Illinois
