Mirage Liberty™ full face mask complete system

The Mirage Lib­er­ty™ full face mask offers com­fort and free­dom in a min­i­mal­ist design that enables patients to read, wear glass­es or watch tele­vi­sion. It fea­tures dual-wall nasal pil­lows with tram­po­line action that move inde­pen­dent­ly and adjust to var­i­ous nasal con­tours for a com­fort­able and effec­tive seal. ResMed’s patent­ed Mirage dual-wall mouth cush­ion cre­ates a secure, flex­i­ble seal and accom­mo­dates jaw move­ment, elim­i­nat­ing the need for a chin strap. Addi­tion­al­ly, the sup­port­ive head­gear with sta­bi­liz­ing ele­ments main­tains its shape when removed, pro­vid­ing sta­bil­i­ty while the user sleeps. Each mask is shipped with three pil­low sizes (small, medi­um and large) and a reduced inven­to­ry of two prod­uct codes. With a fit range of over 90%, the Mirage Lib­er­ty is a com­fort­able alter­na­tive to con­ven­tion­al full face masks.