Laughing and healthy senior couple

Internal Medicine

Meet­ing you – right where you are.

We want to be with you through your entire health jour­ney, to help you reach your extra­or­di­nary potential. 

Our inter­nal med­i­cine teams are focused on car­ing for every part of you and –when called for – dig­ging into the more com­plex stuff…to get you feel­ing health­i­er and hap­pi­er, sooner.

Pre­ven­tive care, because true health is limitless

Our inter­nal med­i­cine providers believe that health isn’t just the absence of sick­ness, but an ongo­ing pur­suit to reach your true poten­tial. With annu­al phys­i­cals, can­cer screen­ings and vac­ci­na­tions, our internists work with you on a per­son­al­ized pre­ven­tive care plan built specif­i­cal­ly for you, help­ing you achieve the extraordinary. 

Find an inter­nal med­i­cine provider near you >

Internal Medicine Team


Hospital Affliations

Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital

3815 Highland Avenue

Downers Grove, 60515 Illinois


AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center Bolingbrook

500 Remington Boulevard

Bolingbrook, 60440 Illinois

(630) 312-5000

AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center in La Grange

5101 Willow Springs Road

La Grange, 60525 Illinois


Ascension Saint Joseph Hospital, Elgin

77 North Airlite Street, Tuscan Woods

Elgin, 60123 Illinois


Edward Hospital

801 S. Washington St.

Naperville, 60540 Illinois


Northwest Community Hospital

800 West Central Road

Arlington Heights, 60005 Illinois


Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital

25 North Winfield Road

Winfield, 60190 Illinois


Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital

300 Randall Road

Geneva, 60134 Illinois


Palos Community Hospital

12251 South 80th Avenue, Brook Lane

Palos Heights, 60463 Illinois
