
As a patient of Duly Health and Care Geri­atrics, your wealth of life­time expe­ri­ences is con­sid­ered a dis­tinct advan­tage. You have a rich med­ical his­to­ry, which in turn will help pro­vide cur­rent per­spec­tive to your Duly physi­cians. This team is high­ly advanced at treat­ing a mul­ti­tude of unique con­di­tions that affect elder­ly patients. Through detailed con­sul­ta­tions, your physi­cian will dis­cov­er your unique sto­ry and eval­u­ate the big­ger pic­ture of any con­di­tions you’ve had along the way. In learn­ing from your past, these Duly spe­cial­ists deter­mine lifestyle adjust­ments that can add to your com­fort and pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive care mov­ing forward.

Hospital Affliations

AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center Bolingbrook

500 Remington Boulevard

Bolingbrook, 60440 Illinois

(630) 312-5000

AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center, GlenOaks

701 Winthrop Avenue

Glendale Heights, 60139 Illinois

(630) 545-8000

Ascension Saint Joseph Hospital, Joliet

333 Madison Street

Joliet, 60435 Illinois


Edward Hospital

801 S. Washington St.

Naperville, 60540 Illinois


Silver Cross Hospital

1900 Silver Cross Boulevard

New Lenox, 60451 Illinois
