DreamWear Nasal Mask Fit Pack With Headgear

The DreamWear Nasal CPAP Mask with Head­gear — Fit Pack (All Cush­ions Includ­ed with Medi­um Frame) is a min­i­mal con­tact mask designed to help accom­mo­date users of mul­ti­ple sleep­ing posi­tions. This is a nasal mask that deliv­ers ther­a­py by cov­er­ing both nostrils.


  • Inno­v­a­tive Tube­like Frame
  • Min­i­mal Con­tact Design
  • Mul­ti­ple Cush­ions Included
  • Hose Con­nec­tion at Top of Head
  • Fab­ric Wraps Included
  • Inno­v­a­tive Tube­like Frame

The DreamWear CPAP Mask frame is designed to allow air­flow to pass through it to reach the nasal cush­ion. The frame is a sin­gle piece with con­nec­tions for the hose elbow, head­gear, and nasal cush­ion. If one side of the frame is closed by being laid on, the air­flow can pass entire­ly through the oth­er side with­out neg­a­tive­ly effect­ing ther­a­py pres­sure. The medi­um frame is includ­ed with this fit pack, but is avail­able in oth­er sizes for sep­a­rate pur­chase if need­ed. The DreamWear frames and cush­ions are inter­change­able, so any size frame will fit any size cushion.

Min­i­mal Con­tact Design

The DreamWear Mask fea­tures a cush­ion that rests under the nose and seals both nos­trils with­out need­ing to cov­er the entire nose. This helps alle­vi­ate dis­com­fort and irri­ta­tion on the bridge of the nose that more tra­di­tion­al masks can cause. The design leaves line of sight open for read­ing and TV watch­ing before bed.

Mul­ti­ple Cush­ions Included

The DreamWear Fit Pack includes all four sizes of DreamWear nasal cush­ions: small, medi­um, medi­um wide, and large. Any size cush­ion will fit any size frame, so once the desired fit is found, replace­ments in only the desired size can be pur­chased. This fit pack includes the medi­um frame which will fit most users.

Hose Con­nec­tion at Top of Head

The Dreamwear frame is designed with the elbow at the crown of the head, allow­ing the hose to be rout­ed above the user for opti­mal com­fort. This design will help alle­vi­ate tug on the front of the mask enabling a more sta­ble seal dur­ing the night. The elbow is free to swiv­el inside the con­nec­tion to help active sleep­ers main­tain prop­er place­ment of the mask as sleep­ing posi­tions change.

Fab­ric Wraps Included

The DreamWear includes two fab­ric wraps which fea­ture hook and loop fas­ten­ers for quick and easy place­ment on the mask frame. The wraps are intend­ed to be placed on the cheek por­tion of the frame to increase com­fort and fur­ther help alle­vi­ate irritation.

To place an order or speak with our team, please call 1−630−545−7770. If you are an exist­ing cus­tomer and you have a non-urgent ques­tion for us, please send a mes­sage through MyD­MGHealth (MyChart). We will respond with­in 2 busi­ness days.