Culinary Medicine

Food to Flourish.

Pro­gram Overview

Duly Health and Care is offer­ing qual­i­fy­ing patients a year-long pro­gram designed to impact the rela­tion­ships they have with food and how the right foods can help serve as a rem­e­dy for cer­tain con­di­tions. The culi­nary med­i­cine team is ded­i­cat­ed to guid­ing patients in the right direc­tion when it comes to tak­ing charge and own­er­ship of their health and well­ness. Learn­ing along­side board-cer­ti­­fied culi­nary med­i­cine physi­cians, licensed dieti­cians, and sea­soned chefs, patients will obtain first-hand knowl­edge of how the right foods can serve as medicine.

This pro­gram is rec­om­mend­ed for patients with the fol­low­ing conditions:

  • Can­cer or his­to­ry of recent cancer
  • Con­ges­tive Heart Failure
  • Coro­nary Artery Disease
  • Dia­betes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cho­les­terol
  • Meta­bol­ic Liv­er Dis­ease (fat­ty liver)
  • Obe­si­ty

Your com­mit­ment and par­tic­i­pa­tion is a require­ment for your suc­cess in this pro­gram. The Duly Health and Care culi­nary med­i­cine team will be with you each step of the way to help you devel­op cook­ing and eat­ing habits to improve your health for a lifetime.

Class Overview

Dur­ing the first 12 weeks, you will par­tic­i­pate in six physi­cian-led shared med­ical appoint­ments at Cook­ing Skills Social in Itas­ca, Illi­nois. These hands-on vis­its will focus on Mediter­ranean diet prin­ci­ples that have been proven to sup­port good health and the reduc­tion of chron­ic disease.

  • Shared med­ical appoint­ments will be held on Mon­day or Thurs­day evenings
  • All vis­its will be billed to your insurance
  • A one-time pay­ment of $60 is required upon reg­is­tra­tion to cov­er the cost of food

After com­ple­tion of the physi­cian-led shared med­ical appoint­ments, there will be four addi­tion­al group appoint­ments with a Duly Health and Care reg­is­tered dietit­ian to track progress at the fol­low­ing touchpoints:

  • One month
  • Three months
  • Six months
  • 12 months

These hour-long ses­sions will dive deep­er into meal plan­ning, how to save time in the kitchen, recipe selec­tion and din­ing out. These appoint­ments will help you find healthy food solu­tions, set goals and inte­grate these new habits into your every­day life.

Space is lim­it­ed, to reg­is­ter, con­tact your Duly Health and Care physi­cian, nurse prac­ti­tion­er or physi­cian assis­tant to place an order, or call (630) 448‑2971 today!


Cook­ing Skills Social
1201 Nor­wood Avenue
Itas­ca, IL 60143

Hospital Affliations

Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital

3815 Highland Avenue

Downers Grove, 60515 Illinois


AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center, Hinsdale

120 North Oak Street

Hinsdale, 60521 Illinois
