
Heal­ing occurs through gen­uine human rela­tion­ships and engage­ment with oth­ers which can be called ther­a­py. Talk ther­a­py (also known as psy­chother­a­py) can be an impor­tant part of treat­ment for men­tal health. In ther­a­py, indi­vid­u­als are helped to cope with their feel­ings, solve prob­lems and change behav­ior pat­terns that may con­tribute to symp­toms. In ther­a­py, rather than just​“talk­ing about your prob­lems,” we also work toward solu­tions. You might be encour­aged to look at things in a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive or learn new ways to react to events or peo­ple. Focus­ing on your cur­rent thoughts, feel­ings and life issues with ref­er­ence to the past can help explain things in your life, help you cope with the present, and pre­pare for the future.

Many peo­ple are appre­hen­sive about see­ing a ther­a­pist, but there is absolute­ly no need to be. Think of your rela­tion­ship with your ther­a­pist as a part­ner­ship. The two of you will work togeth­er to become more adap­tive in how you react to life stres­sors and ulti­mate­ly have and feel better. 

Accord­ing to the Nation­al Insti­tute of Men­tal Health, more than a quar­ter of Amer­i­can adults expe­ri­ence depres­sion, anx­i­ety or anoth­er men­tal health issue in any giv­en year. Oth­ers strug­gle to cope with rela­tion­ship trou­bles, job loss, the death of a loved one, stress, sub­stance abuse or oth­er issues. Still oth­ers need help cop­ing with a seri­ous ill­ness, los­ing weight or stop­ping smok­ing. These prob­lems can often become debilitating.

We know heal­ing occurs through gen­uine human rela­tion­ships and engage­ment with oth­ers and are here to help you.


Treatment Styles

Anxiety & Panic Attacks



Grief & Loss

Anger Management


Eating Disorders

Domestic Violence

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Individual Therapy

Child Therapy

Family Therapy

Couples Therapy

Counseling Team