Woman laying on table receiving an adjustment from a Chiropractor or Chiropractic Doctor


Our chi­ro­prac­tic team knows that when you’re expe­ri­encing pain, it impacts all aspects of your dai­ly life. At Duly Health and Care, our top-rat­ed physi­cians and staff are here to help you take charge of your health and over­come the chal­lenges stand­ing in your way. Using an inte­grat­ed approach to care, our doc­tors apply the lat­est joint manip­u­la­tion tech­niques to pro­vide last­ing relief. 

Whether you’re explor­ing treat­ment for the first time or look­ing for advanced options, we invite you to ask ques­tions and dis­cov­er what works best for your body. At our Glen Ellyn loca­tion, our chi­ro­prac­tors offer a range of treat­ment options, includ­ing joint manip­u­la­tion, acupunc­ture, mas­sage ther­a­py, and elec­tri­cal mus­cle stim­u­la­tion. These tech­niques aim to restore bal­ance, reduce pain, and improve mobility. 

If you’re man­ag­ing joint pain, migraines, arthri­tis, or a her­ni­at­ed disc, you can count on our team’s exper­tise to devel­op a plan that works for you. Scroll down for a full list of con­di­tions we treat and pro­ce­dures we offer. Seek­ing care quick­ly after injury can help pre­vent fur­ther dam­age and restore mobil­i­ty faster. Don’t let chron­ic pain or an injury keep you from liv­ing your best life. 

With a per­son­al­ized treat­ment plan designed around your unique needs, you’ll be on your way to accom­plish­ing your goals and feel­ing bet­ter. Take action today; each step brings you clos­er to last­ing relief. Click below to find a chi­ro­prac­tor near you, sched­ule a con­sul­ta­tion, or call us with any questions.

Find a Chi­ro­prac­tor near you >




Back Pain with Leg Pain

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Degenerative Disc Disease

Disc Herniations/Bulges

Disc Injuries

Hip, Knee & Leg Pain

Infertility Issues

Joint Pain

Low Back Pain

Migraines & Headaches

Neck Pain

Neck Pain with Arm Pain

Nerve Compression

Pain Associated with Pregnancy

Personal Injury/Auto Accidents


Shoulder & Arm Pain

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Cervical Traction/Distraction

Electrical Muscle Stimulation


Interferential Therapy

Lumbar Traction/Distraction


Manual Therapy

Massage Therapy/Soft Tissue

Myofacial Release

Stretching/Therapeutic Exercises
