Cardiac Electrophysiology

Though it’s often easy to take it for grant­ed, the heart is the motor that dri­ves you. Duly Health and Care Car­diac Elec­tro­phys­i­ol­o­gy doc­tors spe­cial­ize in study­ing the elec­tri­cal con­duc­tion sys­tem of the heart, and are often referred to as EPs. Duly Health and Care EPs spend addi­tion­al years in train­ing after car­di­ol­o­gy fel­low­ship, and focus on car­diac catheter abla­tion (manip­u­lat­ing car­diac elec­tri­cal short cir­cuits”) as well as installing and man­ag­ing car­diac devices such as pace­mak­ers and defib­ril­la­tors. Duly Health and Care EP physi­cians treat those ages 18 and old­er with elec­tri­cal abnor­mal­i­ties which are either caused by ran­dom event – a fluke – or are as a result of envi­ron­men­tal fac­tors, both car­diac and non-car­diac. EP’s often work in con­junc­tion with a patients’ car­di­ol­o­gist to treat these heart con­di­tions. Duly Health and Care EP’s uti­lizes the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy and are some of the high­est vol­ume oper­a­tors in the Chicagoland area for advanced ablations.

Hospital Affliations

Advocate Sherman Hospital

1425 North Randall Road

Elgin, 60123 Illinois

(847) 742-9800

Ascension Alexian Brothers Medical Center, Elk Grove Village

800 Biesterfield Road

Elk Grove Village, 60007 Illinois


Ascension Saint Joseph Hospital, Elgin

77 North Airlite Street, Tuscan Woods

Elgin, 60123 Illinois


Ascension St. Alexius Medical Center Hoffman Estates

1555 Barrington Road

Hoffman Estates, 60169 Illinois


Silver Cross Hospital

1900 Silver Cross Boulevard

New Lenox, 60451 Illinois
