BreakThrough Care Center

At Break­Through Care Cen­ter we approach com­plex health issues with a sim­ple, yet bril­liant, solu­tion. Bring­ing all the clin­i­cal exper­tise, sup­port and resources you need to improve your health under one roof. This inte­grat­ed approach allows you to spend less time get­ting from appoint­ment to appoint­ment and more time focus­ing on a health­i­er you. 

We under­stand that your health care needs are diverse, so we’ve designed an equal­ly diverse team to ensure a ded­i­cat­ed expert is avail­able to man­age every aspect of your care. At Break­Through, your care team con­sists of physi­cians, nurs­es, health coach­es, phar­ma­cists, phys­i­cal ther­a­pists and licensed social work­ers, to pro­vide you with the sup­port you need, when you need it.