Annual Diabetic Eye Exam Appointments

Annual Diabetic Eye Exam

We believe good eye health and vision care are essen­tial to help­ing every human flour­ish. Our team of lead­ing optometrists is here to help you care for your eyes and main­tain your eyesight. 

An annu­al dia­bet­ic exam with an optometrist can help pre­vent seri­ous sight-threat­en­ing eye dis­eases, like dia­bet­ic retinopa­thy. Did you know that dia­bet­ic retinopa­thy is the lead­ing cause of blind­ness in work­ing-age adults in the Unit­ed States? Our optometrists will help guide you through your annu­al dia­bet­ic eye exam, every step of the way.

What is an annu­al dia­bet­ic eye exam?

Dia­bet­ic eye exams are sim­i­lar to reg­u­lar eye exams in many ways. How­ev­er, dur­ing a dia­bet­ic eye exam, your eye doc­tor will focus on your reti­na and the blood ves­sels in your eye.

Dur­ing your dia­bet­ic eye exam, you may receive eye drops that cause you to expe­ri­ence blurred vision or you may find light to be too bright for a few hours. If you’re wor­ried about this, it’s a good idea to have some­one join you at the appoint­ment to dri­ve you home. You can also take pub­lic trans­porta­tion. You are not required to have some­one with you, this is just a friend­ly tip.

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