Woman sneezing from allergies about to take medicine from allergist

Allergy, Asthma & Immunology

When you are expe­ri­enc­ing cough­ing or wheez­ing, itchy eyes or nose, con­ges­tion, repeat­ed sinus infec­tions, hives, eczema, or any oth­er of a wide range of res­pi­ra­to­ry, aller­gy, and immunol­o­gy-relat­ed con­cerns, the asth­ma and aller­gy physi­cians of Duly Health and Care are here for you. In fact, patients of all ages vis­it us in search of relief. We pro­vide the most up-to-date care meth­ods for con­di­tions includ­ing aller­gic rhini­tis (hay fever), sinusi­tis (sinus infec­tion), asth­ma, urticaria (hives) and atopic der­mati­tis (eczema). Our spe­cial­ists are also avail­able for patient con­sul­ta­tions regard­ing food and med­ica­tions aller­gies. We will work with you to help deter­mine the appro­pri­ate tests and man­age­ment for your con­di­tions. Our spe­cial­ists are all cer­ti­fied by the Amer­i­can Board of Aller­gy and Immunol­o­gy and have gone through years of for­mal train­ing in their spe­cial­ty. With the appro­pri­ate eval­u­a­tion, coun­sel­ing, and treat­ment, from board-cer­ti­fied, for­mal­ly-trained spe­cial­ists, you can be in con­trol of your aller­gic and immuno­log­ic conditions.

Aller­gy Shot Appointments

In an effort to keep every­one safe at this time, our walk-in aller­gy shot ser­vices are being sus­pend­ed until fur­ther notice at all of our aller­gy loca­tions. At this time, aller­gy shots are avail­able by appoint­ment only. 

To sched­ule an appoint­ment, please call below for your pre­ferred location: 

  • Bloom­ing­dale, Glen Ellyn, Lom­bard, Naperville or Plain­field — 1−630−545−7833
  • Joli­et or New Lenox — 1−815−744−2300
  • Orland Park — 1−708−460−7355

Maintenance/​monthly aller­gy shot patients: Our pro­to­cols allow 56 days between injec­tions with­out a dose adjustment.

Dur­ing this time, we rec­om­mend spac­ing your month­ly injec­tion to the full 56 days. To ver­i­fy the date of your last injec­tion, please call your pre­ferred location.

Thank you for your under­stand­ing dur­ing this time. If you have any ques­tions, please call your pre­ferred location.

Hospital Affliations

Palos Community Hospital

12251 South 80th Avenue, Brook Lane

Palos Heights, 60463 Illinois
