
Duly Health and Care Radi­ol­o­gy uses advanced tech­nol­o­gy to pro­duce images and activ­i­ty of your anato­my while ensur­ing that you receive the high­est qual­i­ty care in a safe and com­fort­able envi­ron­ment. Such test­ing pro­vides crit­i­cal details that, in con­junc­tion with clin­i­cal infor­ma­tion from your physi­cian, help diag­nose, assess and treat the most com­pli­cat­ed med­ical conditions.

At Duly Health and Care, we real­ize that every­one has a busy sched­ule and hav­ing to get a test per­formed can be dif­fi­cult with work and fam­i­ly com­mit­ments which is why week­end and evening hours are avail­able to accom­mo­date your sched­ule. Duly Health and Care board-cer­ti­fied radi­ol­o­gists will work close­ly with your physi­cian to ensure that you receive the most appro­pri­ate test to accu­rate­ly diag­nose your con­di­tion. Through the use of elec­tron­ic med­ical records, Duly Health and Care will coor­di­nate the deliv­ery of images, and your physi­cian will gen­er­al­ly have results with­in 24 hours.

For ques­tions relat­ing to Radi­ol­o­gy, please call 630−545−7880.

Radiology Team
