Hematology & Oncology

Our team of board-cer­ti­fied hema­tol­o­gist oncol­o­gists pro­vides a wide range of ser­vices includ­ing the man­age­ment of chron­ic and acute blood dis­or­ders such as ane­mia, hemo­phil­ia and coag­u­la­tion con­di­tions. Duly Health and Care oncol­o­gists also pro­vide care for many types of can­cers includ­ing those of the breast, colon, lungs and prostate, as well as blood-relat­ed malig­nan­cies such as leukemia, lym­phomas and myeloma. 

In order to pro­vide the high­est-qual­i­ty care pos­si­ble, our Oncol­o­gy and Hema­tol­ogy providers stay up-to-date on clin­i­cal advance­ments and changes in Nation­al Com­pre­hen­sive Care Net­work (NCCN) guide­lines. We work close­ly with a patient’s entire care team includ­ing radi­a­tion oncol­o­gists, pathol­o­gists, radi­ol­o­gists and spe­cial­ists, as well as advanced prac­tice providers and nurse nav­i­ga­tors, to devel­op a per­son­al­ized treat­ment plans. Treat­ment options may include chemother­a­py, radi­a­tion ther­a­py, bio­log­i­cal ther­a­py, immunother­a­py or a com­bi­na­tion of these therapies. 

Through­out treat­ment, patients work with a ded­i­cat­ed nurse nav­i­ga­tor, who can pro­vide addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion about treat­ment options, answer ques­tions and con­nect patients and their care­givers with any addi­tion­al sup­port ser­vices that may be need­ed. Our part­ner­ships with orga­ni­za­tions such as Rush Uni­ver­si­ty Med­ical Cen­ter and the Amer­i­can Can­cer Soci­ety, allow us to offer our patients access to the lat­est clin­i­cal tri­als and treat­ments as well as com­mu­ni­ty resources.

Our expert Hema­tol­ogy and Oncol­o­gy care team is locat­ed through­out the Chica­go North, West and South sub­urbs. Infu­sion ser­vices are avail­able and are admin­is­tered by cer­ti­fied chemother­a­py and bio­ther­a­py providers, spe­cial­ly trained to admin­is­ter chemo-tox­ic drugs and mon­i­tor patients while in treatment. 

We strive to pro­vide our patients with com­pre­hen­sive, high-qual­i­ty care where they feel the safest and most sup­port­ed, close to home.

Week­end Tele­health Appoint­ments Now Available

To ensure you have access to care after hours if need­ed, begin­ning Sun­day, May 24, 2020, we are offer­ing week­end tele­health appoint­ments over the phone or by video. These appoint­ments are avail­able on Sat­ur­days and Sun­days between 8am – 1pm for our oncol­o­gy and/​or infu­sion patients who are expe­ri­enc­ing acute symp­toms relat­ed to their treat­ment. Dur­ing a tele­health vis­it, an advanced prac­tice provider can assist you with a vari­ety of health con­cerns including:

  • A tem­per­a­ture of 100.5 or higher
  • Uncon­trolled diar­rhea, vom­it­ing or pain
  • An inabil­i­ty to urinate
  • Any signs of bleeding

You can sched­ule a week­end tele­health appoint­ment by call­ing 630−364−7850.

Mul­ti-Spe­cial­ty Can­cer Appointments

Mul­ti-spe­cial­ty appoint­ments are avail­able for patients diag­nosed with gen­i­touri­nary can­cers, includ­ing those of the blad­der, kid­neys, prostate or testes, who are con­sid­er­ing radi­a­tion ther­a­py and/​or oth­er med­ical or sur­gi­cal treat­ments. Dur­ing the appoint­ment, patients are able to meet with mul­ti­ple providers, which can include a med­ical oncol­o­gist, radi­a­tion oncol­o­gist, urol­o­gist and a nurse nav­i­ga­tor, all with­in a sin­gle visit.

This allows mem­bers of your care team to col­lab­o­rate with one anoth­er, review the avail­able treat­ment options with you, in real-time to devel­op a care plan tai­lored to you. Receiv­ing input from mul­ti­ple oncol­o­gy experts and hav­ing all of your ques­tions addressed enables you to feel as pre­pared and well-informed about your treat­ment plan as possible.

For those with prostate can­cer who are con­sid­er­ing radi­a­tion ther­a­py, mul­ti-spe­cial­ty appoint­ments are offered on Wednes­days and Thurs­days at our Lisle Med­ical Office Build­ing.

Indi­vid­u­als who have been diag­nosed with an advanced gen­i­touri­nary can­cer, includ­ing those of the blad­der, kid­neys, prostate or testes, who are con­sid­er­ing chemother­a­py or oth­er med­ical oncol­o­gy treat­ment options, mul­ti-spe­cial­ty appoint­ments are avail­able on Tues­days and Wednes­days at our Hins­dale and Lisle Med­ical Office buildings.

To learn more about mul­ti-spe­cial­ty appoint­ments, or to find out if you are a can­di­date for this ser­vice, please con­tact our Urol­o­gy depart­ment.


Hematology & Oncology Team

Hospital Affliations

Palos Community Hospital

12251 South 80th Avenue, Brook Lane

Palos Heights, 60463 Illinois
