Integrated Oncology Program

Choos­ing the Duly Health and Care Inte­grat­ed Oncol­o­gy Program

At Duly Health and Care, we under­stand that a can­cer diag­no­sis can be dif­fi­cult and cause feel­ings of uncer­tain­ty. Our Inte­grat­ed Oncol­o­gy Pro­gram is here to guide you every step of the way; from diag­no­sis to treat­ment through survivorship.

Our team of high­ly-skilled physi­cians and sup­port staff col­lab­o­rate with one anoth­er to pro­vide you with a per­son­al­ized treat­ment plan using the lat­est tech­niques and tech­nol­o­gy avail­able. We are com­mit­ted to bring­ing com­pre­hen­sive, uni­ver­si­ty-lev­el can­cer care to the sub­urbs. This allows you to com­plete your treat­ments where you feel the most sup­port­ed, close to home.

Our Inte­grat­ed Oncol­o­gy Pro­gram is led by a team of high­ly-skilled med­ical and radi­a­tion oncol­o­gy physi­cians, who part­ner with spe­cial­ists includ­ing der­ma­tol­o­gists, endocri­nol­o­gists, gas­troen­terol­o­gists, gyne­col­o­gists, oto­laryn­gol­o­gists, pathol­o­gists, plas­tic sur­geons, radi­ol­o­gists, pul­mo­nolo­gists, sur­geons and urol­o­gists to treat a broad range of can­cers. The physi­cians also work close­ly with ded­i­cat­ed nurse nav­i­ga­tors social work­ers and oth­er health­care pro­fes­sion­als to pro­vide a seam­less patient experience.

Through our part­ner­ships with orga­ni­za­tions such as Rush Uni­ver­si­ty Med­ical Cen­ter and the Amer­i­can Can­cer Soci­ety, patients have access to the lat­est clin­i­cal tri­als and treat­ments as well oth­er sup­port ser­vices that may be need­ed dur­ing treatment. 

Can­cer-relat­ed ser­vices are offered at sev­er­al of our loca­tions through­out the Chicagoland sub­urbs, with the pro­gram’s main hub locat­ed at our Lisle Med­ical Office Build­ing. For added con­ve­nience, many of our offices also offer on-site lab and radi­ol­o­gy ser­vices as well as a full-ser­vice pharmacy.


In 2022, Duly Health and Care’s Inte­grat­ed Oncol­o­gy Pro­gram received its third Com­mis­sion on Can­cer (CoC) accred­i­ta­tion sta­tus, dis­tin­guish­ing the pro­gram as one of the best for can­cer treat­ment. Also accred­it­ed in 2015 and 2018, Duly is proud to con­tin­ue to deliv­er the pin­na­cle of qual­i­ty can­cer care ser­vices and be the only free-stand­ing can­cer pro­gram to receive this accred­i­ta­tion in Illinois. 

This accom­plish­ment affirms that high-qual­i­­ty can­cer care is being pro­vid­ed at Duly, while pro­vid­ing the frame­work to con­tin­ue to improve qual­i­ty of patient care through var­i­ous can­cer-relat­ed pro­grams focused on the full con­tin­u­um of can­cer care.

Sched­ule an appoint­ment with our inte­grat­ed oncol­o­gy pro­gram team


Integrated Oncology Program Team

Hospital Affliations

Edward Hospital

801 S. Washington St.

Naperville, 60540 Illinois


Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital

25 North Winfield Road

Winfield, 60190 Illinois


Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital

300 Randall Road

Geneva, 60134 Illinois
