






Showing 186 results for medical records

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Announces Access for Adults with Medicare at Duly Health and Care Oak Park Clinic

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) and Duly Health and Care announced today that they are working together to bring a new senior-focused care delivery experience to Oak Park and surrounding communities at the Duly Health and Care Oak Par...

Duly Health and Care Performs 1,000th Surgery at Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Utilizing da Vinci® Xi™ Surgical System

Duly Health and Care, one of the largest independent, multi-specialty physician group in Illinois, performed their 1,000th outpatient surgery utilizing the da Vinci Xi robotic surgical system.

Colon Cancer Is On The Rise — How You Can Lower Your Risk

Colorectal Cancer rates have been going up in adults under the age of 50, but knowing your risk and talking to your doctor can support your health.

Duly Health and Care Hosts Annual "Throw Cancer in the Slammer Night" at Joliet Slammers Game June 20 to Celebrate Cancer Survivors and Promote Prevention

Duly Health and Care and the Joliet Slammers are teaming up to celebrate the community’s cancer survivors while raising awareness about important cancer screenings at the annual “Throw Cancer in the Slammer Night” at the Slammer’s June 20 home game. ...

Duly Health and Care Names Dan Greenleaf as Chief Executive Officer

Duly Health and Care (“Duly” or the “Company”), the largest inde­pen­dent, mul­ti-spe­­­cial­­­ty physi­­­cian-direc­t­ed med­ical group in the nation, announced today its Board of Directors (the “Board”) has appoint­ed Dan Greenleaf as its new Chief...

Hysterectomy - Not a "One Size Fits All" Procedure

Have you been dealing with pelvic pain for too long? Is heavy, frequent, or irregular uterine bleeding disrupting your life? Have you avoided pursuing other options because nothing has worked so far? If so, a hysterectomy – a surgery to remov...