Teen Facial

Spe­cif­ic to teenagers, this facial helps to con­trol and min­i­mize acne break­outs. Includes a gen­tle cleans­ing, exfo­li­a­tion, extrac­tions and cus­tomized masque accord­ing to your skin needs. Home skin care edu­ca­tion pro­vid­ed. Allow 60 min­utes for this facial.


Our Belleza facial is cus­tomized for every indi­vid­ual skin type. This treat­ment begins with a skin analy­sis, a gen­tle cleans­ing, an exfo­li­at­ing mas­sage and is fin­ished with a cus­tomized treat­ment mask. Facial options include treat­ments for anti-aging, bright­en­ing, teenage acne, men


Min­i­mizes acne breakouts

Gen­tly cleans­es the skin Exfo­li­ates the out­er sur­face of the skin Cus­tomized to your indi­vid­ual needs


  • Acne
  • Blocked Pores
  • Com­bi­na­tion Skin
  • Dry Skin
  • Oily Skin