
Sofwave™ is a cut­ting-edge, non-inva­sive treat­ment designed to reju­ve­nate your skin and improve the appear­ance of skin lax­i­ty and wrin­kles. Sofwave uses Syn­chro­nous Ultra­sound Par­al­lel Beam Tech­nol­o­gy (SUPERB™) to lift and firm your skin, reveal­ing a fresh­er, more youth­ful appearance.

How Sofwave Works

Sofwave deliv­ers pre­cise ultra­sound ener­gy to the mid-der­mal lay­er of your skin, stim­u­lat­ing your body’s nat­ur­al col­la­gen pro­duc­tion. Unlike oth­er treat­ments, Sofwave tar­gets the deep­er lay­ers of your skin with­out affect­ing the sur­face, mak­ing it a safe and effec­tive option for tight­en­ing and lift­ing. The inte­grat­ed cool­ing sys­tem ensures a com­fort­able expe­ri­ence while pro­tect­ing your skin.

Ben­e­fits of Sofwave

  • Non-Inva­sive & Com­fort­able: Enjoy the ben­e­fits of a more youth­ful appear­ance with­out the need for surgery or exten­sive down­time. Sofwave is designed for max­i­mum com­fort, allow­ing you to return to your dai­ly activ­i­ties right after your session.
  • Nat­ur­al-Look­ing Results: As new col­la­gen forms, you’ll notice grad­ual, nat­ur­al-look­ing improve­ments in skin firm­ness and texture.
  • Ver­sa­tile Treat­ment Areas: Whether you’re look­ing to enhance your face, neck, or décol­letage, Sofwave offers ver­sa­tile treat­ment options tai­lored to your unique needs.

What to Expect Dur­ing the Sofwave Procedure

Each Sofwave ses­sion at Duly Aes­thet­ics typ­i­cal­ly lasts 30 to 45 min­utes. Dur­ing the treat­ment, you may expe­ri­ence a gen­tle warmth or mild dis­com­fort, but we’ll make sure you’re com­fort­able through­out the process. You’ll begin to see sub­tle improve­ments in just a few weeks, with opti­mal results devel­op­ing over sev­er­al months as your skin nat­u­ral­ly rejuvenates.

If you’re seek­ing a non-sur­gi­cal solu­tion for skin lax­i­ty and wrin­kles, Sofwave may be the per­fect choice for you. Sched­ule a con­sul­ta­tion with our team to learn more about how Sofwave can help you achieve your goals.

Available At These Locations

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40 S. Clay St.

Med Spa, East Building, LL30

Hinsdale, Illinois 60521


Open until 5:00 PM today

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8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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