Restylane® Lyft

Resty­lane® Lyft is part of a fam­i­ly of der­mal filler prod­ucts that are used to restore vol­ume and full­ness lost nat­u­ral­ly dur­ing the aging process. Resty­lane® Lyft, a hyaluron­ic acid (HA), is for­mu­lat­ed to act as your body’s own HA, restor­ing vol­ume to improve appear­ance. This makes it a good choice for more severe facial wrin­kles that will ben­e­fit from a deep­er injec­tion into the skin. 

Resty­lane® Lyft is indi­cat­ed for treat­ment of severe nasolabi­al folds. Results gen­er­al­ly last up to 6 months. 

Learn more about Resty­lane® Lyft.