Repair Deviated Septum

The shape of your nasal cav­i­ty could be caus­ing your chron­ic sinusi­tis. The nasal sep­tum is the wall divid­ing the nasal cav­i­ty into two parts; it is made up of a cen­tral sup­port­ing skele­ton cov­ered on each side by mucous mem­brane. The front por­tion of your nasal sep­tum is a firm but bend­able struc­ture made most­ly of car­ti­lage and is cov­ered by skin that has a large sup­ply of blood ves­sels. The per­fect nasal sep­tum is exact­ly mid­line, sep­a­rat­ing the left and right sides of the nose into pas­sage­ways of equal size.

Esti­mates are that 80 per­cent of all nasal sep­tums are not cen­tered, a con­di­tion that is usu­al­ly not notice­able. A devi­at­ed sep­tum” occurs when the sep­tum is severe­ly moved away from the mid­line. The most com­mon symp­tom from a crooked sep­tum is open mouth breath­ing as a result of dif­fi­cul­ty breath­ing through the nose. Symp­toms are usu­al­ly worse on one side, and some­times occur on the side oppo­site the bend. In some cas­es the crooked sep­tum can hin­der the drainage of the sinus­es, result­ing in chron­ic sinus infections.