Prone Breast Radiation

Prone Breast Radi­a­tion refers to the face down posi­tion (prone) that some women are placed in dur­ing breast radi­a­tion treat­ment. Research has found that posi­tion­ing some women face down when they receive radi­a­tion ther­a­py lim­its the radi­a­tion dose that reach­es the heart, lungs and skin. When a patient is placed in the prone posi­tion a cus­tomiz­able posi­tion­ing device allows the woman’s breast to fall away from the chest wall – fur­ther away from the body. 

Prone breast radi­a­tion may not be best for all women. Your physi­cian will eval­u­ate you and deter­mine which type of treat­ment and posi­tion­ing is best for you.