ProFractional III Laser

ProFrac­tion­al III Laser is the newest and lat­est laser used for improv­ing the over­all appear­ance of your skin. ProFrac­tion­al uses a laser microbeam to treat thou­sands of pin­point­ed areas of your skin. Per­fect for those look­ing for younger look­ing skin, or to improve scars, wrin­kles or sun damage.

ProFrac­tion­al can be used to improve a wide vari­ety of skin con­di­tions, but used most­ly for: Wrin­kles & Fine Lines Post-trau­mat­ic Scars Acne Scars Age Spots Sun Spots Freck­les Aging & Sun-Dam­aged Skin 

The treat­ment alone takes between 15 – 45 min­utes, with 2 – 3 treat­ments rec­om­mend­ed for opti­mal results. You can expect your heal­ing process to take up to 10 days. Over this time peri­od you may notice a gen­er­al tight­en­ing effect. How­ev­er, the true ben­e­fit of ProFrac­tion­al is the col­la­gen remod­el­ing that occurs dur­ing the 4 to 6 months fol­low­ing your treatment.