Profound® System Treatment

Pro­found® is a nov­el non­sur­gi­cal alter­na­tive for treat­ing facial wrin­kles and the appear­ance of cel­lulite designed to keep you look­ing smooth, elas­tic and years younger with only one treat­ment. It com­bines radiofre­quen­cy ener­gy with micronee­dles to renew your skin by stim­u­lat­ing the body’s nat­ur­al heal­ing process with the cre­ation of elastin, col­la­gen and hyaluron­ic acid. 

Dur­ing your con­sul­ta­tion, your physi­cian will deter­mine your goals and estab­lish the tar­get area for treat­ment. Whether you are treat­ing facial wrin­kles or stub­born thigh cel­lulite, you will notice grad­ual improve­ment fol­low­ing a sin­gle Pro­found® laser treatment. 

Post-treat­ment, your physi­cian will dis­cuss an indi­vid­ual care plan. Most patients can return to nor­mal activ­i­ties with­in 24 hours after treatment. 

Learn more about the Pro­found® sys­tem by vis­it­ing our blog, or sched­ule a con­sul­ta­tion with one of our physi­cians to see if the Pro­found® treat­ment is right for you. 

For even more infor­ma­tion, watch Drs. Alix Charles and Stephanie Gan fur­ther dis­cuss the anti-aging and body con­tour­ing ben­e­fits of the Pro­found® Sys­tem, as well as the Ultra­Shape® Fat Reduc­tion, in a vir­tu­al event. Click here to watch the video! [https://​www​.youtube​.com/​watch?…]