Palomar StarLux® 500 Laser System

The Palo­mar Star­Lux 500 laser is a state-of-the-art and ver­sa­tile laser sys­tem which includes intense pulsed light (IPL) and frac­tion­al resur­fac­ing treat­ment options. 


Get back to clear, youth­ful skin that you desire, through use of opti­mized-light pho­to reju­ve­na­tion. Pulsed light makes all the dif­fer­ence, because it tar­gets unde­sir­able brown pig­ment and red or pur­ple blood ves­sels with­out harm­ing the sur­round­ing tis­sue. Using only 1 – 3 treat­ment ses­sions that are 30 min­utes each, there is lit­tle to no down­time to achieve an even skin tone. 


The non-abla­tive laser cre­ates micro­scop­ic zones of ener­gy to destroy altered and dam­aged col­la­gen and stim­u­lates the pro­duc­tion of healthy, nor­mal tis­sue. The new col­la­gen that is pro­duced makes scars lighter and less notice­able, dimin­ish­es and tight­ens wrin­kles and smoothes stretch marks to cre­ate a bet­ter tex­ture. Using only 3 – 5, 30 minute treat­ment ses­sions, there is lit­tle dis­com­fort and no down­time. Effec­tive for surgical/​traumatic scars, acne scars, wrin­kles and stretchmarks.