
Mitral regur­gi­ta­tion occurs when the mitral valve in your heart doesn’t close prop­er­ly, allow­ing back­ward blood flow. Some com­mon symp­toms may be per­sist­ing or wors­en­ing fatigue, short­ness of breath or swelling and flu­id buildup in your feet, ankles and lungs. This con­di­tion can be iden­ti­fied and treat­ed through surgery or a less inva­sive pro­ce­dure called Mitr­a­Clip®. The Mitr­a­Clip® pro­ce­dure allows your doc­tor to repair the mal­func­tion in the mitral valve, with­out open­ing the chest, by access­ing the valve through a thin tube that is insert­ed in a vein to reach your heart. The Mitr­a­Clip® will then per­ma­nent­ly attach to the valve which will aid in regain­ing reg­u­lar blood flow to the heart.

To learn more about Mitr­a­Clip®, please vis­it Mitr​a​Clip​.com.