Laser Genesis
Genesis skin rejuvenation employs laser light targeted to the dermis, the deeper layer of the skin, where collagen is made. The laser heats the dermis causing new collagen production that continues over time. The result is more even skin tone, tighter pores and a smoother skin texture. Laser also targets the microvasculature (tiny vessels) beneath the skin surface, decreasing diffuse redness and ruddy complexions.
We offer highly advanced laser treatments to address common skin conditions. This state-of-the art and versatile laser system includes intense pulsed light (IPL), permanent hair reduction, and fractional resurfacing treatment options. This gives you simple and affordable ways to treat a wide variety of skin conditions with less risk and superior outcomes.
Laser Genesis improves the skin’s overall appearance, particularly on face, neck and chest, decreasing fine line wrinkles and restoring even skin tones. Laser Genesis evens out acne scarring and is particularly effective in combination with other treatments such as chemical peels. Genesis can also be used to improve the appearance of other scars anywhere on the body. Genesis tightens pores and improves skin texture, smoothes ruddy complexions and diffuses excessive facial redness, including that caused by rosacea.
- Anti-Aging
- Fine Lines
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Available At These Locations
2155 City Gate Lane
Aesthetics - 225
Naperville, Illinois 60563
Open until 5:00 PM today