Laminectomy (Cervical, Lumbar and Thoracic)

This pro­ce­dure relieves pres­sure on the nerve roots in the spine, it is most com­mon­ly per­formed to relieve the pain of steno­sis. This is a nar­row­ing of the spinal canal that is often caused by the for­ma­tion of bony growths that can press against the nerve roots. The sur­geon may treat one or more ver­te­brae. First, the sur­geon cre­ates a small inci­sion to access the spine. The spin­ous process­es are the bony pro­tru­sions that stick out from the rear of the spine. The sur­geon care­ful­ly removes the spin­ous process from the ver­te­bra or ver­te­brae that need treat­ment. Next, the sur­geon removes the lam­i­na. This is the part of each ver­te­bra that forms the rear por­tion of the spinal canal. Remov­ing the lam­i­na opens up the spinal canal, cre­at­ing more space for the nerves. The sur­geon may need to remove the lam­i­na from more than one ver­te­bra to ful­ly relieve the pres­sure. The sur­geon may also need to treat the foram­i­na. These are the open­ings on each side of the ver­te­brae where the nerve roots exit the spine. The sur­geon inspects these open­ings and clears away any bony growths that could press against the nerves. When the pro­ce­dure is com­plete, the inci­sion is closed with sutures or sur­gi­cal sta­ples. The patient is mon­i­tored in a recov­ery room. Phys­i­cal ther­a­py may be rec­om­mend­ed as the spine heals.