Hydrojelly™ Mask

A Hydro­jel­ly™ Mask packs your skin with hydra­tion due to its high lev­els of algi­nate and vit­a­min C ingre­di­ents, result­ing in its jel­ly-like” con­sis­ten­cy. The mask’s thick­er tex­ture push­es the nour­ish­ing ingre­di­ents deep­er into the skin than a tra­di­tion­al mask. A Hydro­jel­ly Mask is the per­fect add-on to a facial or derma­plan­ing treatment.


  • Cleans­es pores
  • Encour­ages col­la­gen production
  • Evens out complexion
  • Exfo­li­ates
  • Leaves the skin glowing
  • Mois­tur­izes
  • Reduces inflam­ma­tion
  • Soft­ens fine line

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