Cosmetic Tatooing/Permanent Makeup

Imag­ine wak­ing up every morn­ing with your eye lin­er already on, your lip­stick applied, and your eye­brows pen­ciled in. With per­ma­nent make­up you don’t have to wor­ry- your make­up is already done no mat­ter what you have going on. Each ser­vice can be cus­tomized to your col­or and shape pref­er­ences, and you can still achieve a nat­ur­al” look with­out hav­ing to apply make­up each morn­ing. The best thing, it’s per­ma­nent! This is a great option for busy moms, patients suf­fer­ing from a vari­ety of skin ali­ments, or for those with makeup/​product sen­si­tiv­i­ties. This is all pos­si­ble with our new ser­vice, per­ma­nent make­up! Per­ma­nent make­up ser­vices are offered by Izzie Fly­nn, LE. She brings 20 years’ expe­ri­ence as a licensed estheti­cian spe­cial­iz­ing in a vari­ety of esthet­ic treat­ments and is cer­ti­fied by the Beau Insti­tute of Per­ma­nent and Cor­rec­tive Cos­met­ics for per­ma­nent make­up application.

Per­ma­nent Make­up Ser­vices Include:

  • Eye­brow — Solid/​Powdered and Hair Stroke Top Eye Lin­er — Lash Enhance­ment and Full Lin­er Low­er Eye Lin­er — Lash Enhance­ment and Full Liner
  • Lips — Lip Lin­er Only, Lip Lin­er and Shad­ing, or Full Lips

Call Belleza of War­renville with ques­tions or to sched­ule a con­sul­ta­tion with Izzie Fly­nn, LE.

Available At These Locations

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28381 Davis Pkwy

Aesthetics - Suite 700

Warrenville, Illinois 60555


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