Breast Augmentation

Are you unhap­py with the size or shape of your breasts and con­sid­er­ing chang­ing your breast pro­file? Breast aug­men­ta­tion, also known as aug­men­ta­tion mammaplas­ty, is a sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dure per­formed to enhance the appear­ance and size of the breast. Breast enlarge­ment can restore breast vol­ume after weight loss and/​or preg­nan­cy and can also aid in the cor­rec­tion of asym­me­try. Using sil­i­cone or saline implants, patients can achieve a fuller, more desired appear­ance. Breast implants feel just like nat­ur­al breast tis­sue, giv­ing you a nat­ur­al look that enhances and com­ple­ments your body’s shape. 

You Might Be a Good Can­di­date for Breast Aug­men­ta­tion If: 

You feel your breasts are too small Weight loss has changed the size and/​or shape of your breasts Your breasts have lost volume/​firmness due to preg­nan­cy or breast-feed­ing Cloth­ing fits in the waist, but not in the chest You feel self-con­scious wear­ing tight cloth­ing or swim­suits Your breasts are asym­met­ric in size or shape 

Breast Aug­men­ta­tion Consultation 

You will start by meet­ing with your plas­tic sur­geon for a con­sul­ta­tion. Dur­ing this appoint­ment, your plas­tic sur­geon will exam­ine your body and dis­cuss your options to achieve the breast pro­file you desire. From there, your plas­tic sur­geon will explain the dif­fer­ent sur­gi­cal options for breast aug­men­ta­tion and what to expect fol­low­ing your surgery. Your plas­tic sur­geon will take into con­sid­er­a­tion your begin­ning breast size and shape, breast tis­sue, and a num­ber of oth­er fac­tors before mak­ing a rec­om­men­da­tion about which options are best for you and your body. You will also meet with a nurse to help you try on” and choose which type, size and shape of breast implant you want. If you decide that breast aug­men­ta­tion is right for you, you will sched­ule your surgery at a time that is con­ve­nient for you. One week pri­or to your surgery you will have a pre-op appoint­ment with your plas­tic sur­geon to review your per­son­al­ized sur­gi­cal plan and com­plete any nec­es­sary paperwork. 

After Your Breast Augmentation 

After your breast aug­men­ta­tion pro­ce­dure, you will expe­ri­ence bruis­ing and swelling, which will sig­nif­i­cant­ly improve with­in 2 weeks. Pain med­ica­tion will be pre­scribed for the first few days fol­low­ing your aug­men­ta­tion, and Advil can be used for any dis­com­fort or sore­ness after that time. Fol­low­ing your pro­ce­dure you will be asked to wear a sur­gi­cal bra/​sports bra, which you should wear for 3 – 4 weeks. It is rec­om­mend­ed that you lim­it your activ­i­ty for a min­i­mum of 3 – 4 weeks to allow your body to heal. You will be instruct­ed on how to treat your inci­sions to min­i­mize scar­ring, and should begin that process 1 – 2 weeks fol­low­ing your breast surgery.


*individual results may vary

Breast Augmentation

Yekaterina (Kate) Polyatskaya, MD

I underwent surgery for a bilateral mastectomy with tissue expander for reconstruction. Dr. Kate was my surgeon and follow up physician for the reconstruction. I cannot express how grateful I am to be under the care of Dr. Kate. She is unequivocally the most compassionate, caring and knowledgeable doctor I have ever had in my life. Dr. Kate is passionate about medicine and, more importantly, her patients. Lastly, I would like to say that I am very happy with my breast reconstruction results.

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