Tina Mancini, APN, FNP-BC


Practices In: Morris, New Lenox, Tinley Park
Patients Seen: Adults

My care phi­los­o­phy’s cen­tral focus is col­lab­o­ra­tion. Through the col­lab­o­ra­tive efforts of health care providers, patients and fam­i­lies, the com­mon goal of pos­i­tive out­comes can be read­i­ly achieved. Through­out my years of nurs­ing expe­ri­ence, I have embraced patient-cen­tered care, using a holis­tic approach to con­sis­tent­ly pro­vide opti­mal patient care. Uti­liz­ing effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion com­bined with con­tin­u­ous tech­no­log­i­cal advances cre­ates an ide­al care envi­ron­ment. Uphold­ing this ide­al care envi­ron­ment is what I strive for dai­ly. Togeth­er, we can always make a difference.

Feb­ru­ary is Amer­i­can Heart Month. At Duly, we offer Coro­nary Cal­ci­um Score CT Scans for $75. Heart scans are used to look for cal­ci­um deposits in the coro­nary arter­ies that can nar­row your arter­ies and increase your heart attack risk. Heart scans can show that you may have a high­er risk of hav­ing a heart attack or oth­er prob­lems before you have any obvi­ous symp­toms of heart dis­ease. To learn more about this scan, click here — it might just save your life! 

Board Certifications
American Nurse Credentialing Center
English, Spanish, Greek
Awards & Accolades
International Honor Society of Nursing 2014
Clinical Interests

Elec­tro­phys­i­ol­o­gy, Cardiology

Personal Interests

I enjoy watch­ing my chil­dren’s sports activ­i­ties, Cross Fit, nutri­tion and reading.

Illinois Society for Advanced Practice Nursing Sigma Theta Tau
Lewis University College of Nursing Graduation Date: 1999 Degree: BSN
Lewis University College of Nursing Graduation Date: 2017 Degree: MSN