I have a passion for working with individuals living with chronic medical illness as a clinical health psychologist, and to help patients live healthier, more resilient lives while coping with medical difficulties. I have experience with a wide range of medical diagnoses, and specialize in individuals living with the special challenges of rare and/or genetic diseases. I believe that health is more than just the sum of our physical ailments, and aim to help clients develop and increase an overall sense of well-being in their daily lives.

Stacey J Feuer, PsyD, MLD
Behavioral & Mental Health, Health Psychology
Behavioral & Mental Health insurance coverage varies by provider.
Prior to scheduling with a Behavioral & Mental Health (IPD) provider, please confirm with your insurance carrier that this provider is considered in-network and covered by your insurance plan.
Providing individual therapy for adults living with chronic medical illness. Primary modes of therapy include CBT, ACT, strengths-based, and humanistic/existential. Therapeutic issues may include coping with a new medical diagnosis, mood/stress management, chronic pain, sleep, treatment adherence, and exploring the deeper meaning-related issues that can accompany living with chronic medical illness. I specialize in working with patients living with rare and/or genetic disease diagnoses.
Reading, traveling, violinist
Provider's Contributions