I practice patient-centered care and believe that patients are better served by a symbiotic relationship with their providers. I try to provide patients with as much education as possible on their diagnosis so we can decide on the correct treatment course together. Pelvic floor reconstruction, prolapse, incontinence and voiding dysfunction are complex issues that many patients are embarrassed to talk about despite the large toll these symptoms have on quality of life. My goal as a female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery physician is to provide a safe space for patients to discuss these issues and deliver top notch surgical treatment.

Sarah Martin, DO
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Urgency incontinence, stress incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, urinary fistulas, urethral diverticulum, neurogenic bladder, mesh complications, recurrent urinary tract infections, interstitial cystitis.
Surgical procedures performed for incontinence: proficient in sacral neuromodulation with both Axonics and Medtronic devices, Botox, urethral slings and Bulkamid procedures.
Surgical procedures for vaginal prolapse: proficient in robotic, abdominal, and transvaginal approaches with and without mesh.
Working out (the Peloton and CorePower yoga are my favorite things to do!), cooking, traveling, and being with my children and husband.