Sanah Shaikh, MD

Breast Services, Radiology

Practices In: Tinley Park
Patients Seen: Ages 18+

When a patient walks through my door, I don’t just see a chart. I see a unique indi­vid­ual with a nuanced his­to­ry. I strive to deliv­er com­pre­hen­sive care by answer­ing my patients’ ques­tions and address­ing their con­cerns. I see my rela­tion­ship with my patients as a part­ner­ship, where­in we work togeth­er to achieve opti­mal health.

Clinical Interests

Diag­nos­tic imag­ing includ­ing breast MRI, ultra­sound, mam­mog­ra­phy, and 3D tomosyn­the­sis. Breast pro­ce­dures includ­ing ultra­sound, stereo­tac­tic, and MRI guid­ed biop­sies. Breast local­iza­tions. Breast can­cer screen­ing. High risk breast can­cer screening.

Personal Interests

I enjoy spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly and friends, stay­ing active through work­outs and hik­ing. I also enjoy try­ing dif­fer­ent cuisines, music, movies, and travel.

Radiological Society of North America American Roentgen Ray Society Society of Breast Imaging American Association of Women in Radiology
Meharry Medical College Graduation Date: 2016 Degree: MD
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Diagnostic Radiology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital Breast Imaging


Breast MRI, Breast Services, Breast Ultrasound, Breast Wire Localization, CT (Computed Axial Tomography), Digital (2D) Mammography, MRI-Guided Breast Biopsy, Pre-Surgical Needle Localization, Stereotactic Breast Biopsy, Stereotactic Core Biopsy, Ultrasound, Ultrasound-Guided Cyst Aspiration and Core Biopsy