Salman Waheed, MD

Hematology & Oncology, Integrated Oncology Program

Years in Practice: 11 years
Practices In: Bloomingdale, Lisle
Patients Seen: Ages 18+

I believe no one should have to face a diag­no­sis of can­cer alone. I strive to pro­vide per­son­al­ized, com­pas­sion­ate, and the high­est qual­i­ty care for my patients. I believe in involv­ing my patients in the deci­sion mak­ing process and using a com­pre­hen­sive, team-based approach.

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Board Certifications
Hematology & Oncology, Internal Medicine
English, Urdu, Hindi
Clinical Interests

Lung can­cer, Breast can­cer, Lym­phomas, Leukemias, Gas­troin­testi­nal can­cers, Prostate can­cer, Kid­ney can­cer, Tes­tic­u­lar can­cer, Blad­der can­cer, Brain tumors, Coag­u­la­tion and bleed­ing dis­or­ders, Benign hema­to­log­ic disorders

Personal Interests

Spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly, Sports, Exer­cise, Traveling

American Society of Clinical Oncology American Society of Hematology American College of Physicians American Medical Association

Ascension Saint Joseph Hospital, Joliet
333 Madison Street Joliet, Illinois 60435 815-725-7133 Get Directions
Edward Hospital
801 S. Washington St. Naperville, Illinois 60540 630-527-3000 Get Directions
Palos Community Hospital
12251 South 80th Avenue, Brook Lane Palos Heights, Illinois 60463 708-923-4000 Get Directions
Silver Cross Hospital
1900 Silver Cross Boulevard New Lenox, Illinois 60451 815-300-1100 Get Directions
Rush Medical College Graduation Date: 2010 Degree: MD
Rush University Medical Center Resident in Internal Medicine
Rush University Medical Center Hematology, Oncology, Cell Therapy
Provider’s Publications
False Increase of Estradiol Levels in a 36-Year-Old Postmenopausal Patient With Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Treated With Fulvestrant
January 2000
Optimal Management of Metastatic Melanoma: Current Strategies and Future Directions
January 2000
Incidence and characteristics of Therapy-Related Myeloid Neoplasms in Patients with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Treated with Radioimmunotherapy
January 2000