Ryan Robin, MD

Duly Ortho Now, Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine

Practices In: Bloomingdale, Hoffman Estates
Patients Seen: All Ages

As a fel­low­ship trained Sports Med­i­cine physi­cian with res­i­den­cy train­ing back­ground in Phys­i­cal Med­i­cine and Reha­bil­i­ta­tion, my foun­da­tion­al prac­tice goals are to not only to help you find the root cause of your symp­toms, but focus on how we can get you back to the activ­i­ties you love. Whether thats return­ing to sport as a high lev­el ath­lete, train­ing as a week­end war­rior, play­ing with grand­chil­dren, or even just get back day to day activ­i­ties with­out pain, our physi­cian — patient rela­tion­ship will cen­ter around how we can return you to func­tion­ing” at high lev­els. To do so, I always base our man­age­ment deci­sions on the high­est pos­si­ble evi­dence based treat­ments where we will work as a team to make the most edu­cat­ed, patient first med­ical decisions.

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Board Certifications
Professional Certifications
Sports Medicine (CAQSM), Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Certified
Awards & Accolades
University of Illinois McGraw-Hill/Lange Award 2015
University of Illinois Legacy Endowed Award 2015
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society Member 2016
Earl Elkins Mayo Clinic PM&R Resident Award 2020
G. Keith Stillwell Memorial Award 2020
Excellence in Quality Award 2020
Clinical Interests

As a fel­low­ship-trained Sports Med­i­cine physi­cian with res­i­den­cy train­ing back­ground in Phys­i­cal Med­i­cine and Reha­bil­i­ta­tion, my foun­da­tion­al prac­tice goals are to not only to help you find the root cause of your symp­toms, but focus on how we can get you back to the activ­i­ties you love. Whether that’s return­ing to sport as a high lev­el ath­lete, train­ing as a week­end war­rior, play­ing with grand­chil­dren, or even just get back day to day activ­i­ties with­out pain, our physi­cian — patient rela­tion­ship will cen­ter around how we can return you to func­tion­ing” at high lev­els. To do so, I always base our man­age­ment deci­sions on the high­est pos­si­ble evi­dence based treat­ments where we will work as a team to make the most edu­cat­ed, patient first med­ical decisions.

Personal Interests

Golf, Chica­go Sports, Wis­con­sin Bad­ger sports, and spend­ing time with my wife, daugh­ter, and dog

Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society American Medical Society for Sports Medicine American College of Sports Medicine American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
University of Illinois - Peoria Graduation Date: 2016 Degree: MD
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science Resident in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
University of Illinois-Chicago College of Medicine Primary Care Sports Medicine
Provider’s Publications
Robin R, Verma A, Nicola, T. Recalcitrant Achilles Pain in a Division 1 Track and Field Athlete. Case Presentation: American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; June 2022; San Diego, CA
June 2022
Robin R, Verma A, Nicola T. An Unusual Case of Lateral Leg Pain in an Endurance Athlete. Case Presentation: American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; April 2022; Austin, TX
April 2022
Robin R, Jelsing E, Cummings N. Left Elbow Pain in an Elite Basketball Player. Oral Presentation: American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; May 2020; San Francisco, CA
May 2020
Robin R, Finnoff J, Wisniewski S. Can residents learn to perform an accurate ultrasound-guided knee joint injection without practicing on cadavers or patients? A prospective study. Oral Poster Presentation: American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; April 2020; Atlanta, GA.
April 2020
Robin R, Newcomer K, Moore B. 5th metacarpal pain with extensor lag in an 18-year-old football player. Oral Presentation: American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; May 2019; Orlando, FL.
May 2019
Robin R, Finnoff J, Wisniewski S. Can residents learn to perform an accurate ultrasound-guided knee joint injection without practicing on cadavers or patients? A prospective study. Oral Poster Presentation: American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; April 2019; Houston, TX.
April 2019
Robin R, Smith J, Woods R, Krych A. Triathlete with a posterior snapping hip: A case report. Poster presentation: American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Annual Meeting; October 2018; Orlando, FL.
October 2018
Robin R, Laskowski, E. Anterior thigh pain and palpable mass in a teenage soccer player: A case report. Poster Presentation: American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; April 2018; Orlando, FL.
April 2018
Robin R, Reeves R. Rapid recovery in EBV associated longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis with anti-MOG seropositivity: A case report. Poster Presentation: Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting February 2018; Atlanta, GA
February 2018
Robin R, Christison, Pediatric Obesity Prevention in Primary Care: Employing Brief Action Planning with the Family Nutrition Physical Activity for Obesogenic Behavior Screening. Poster presentation: American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting; October 2015; Washington, DC.
October 2015
Robin R, Christison, Brief Action Planning Paired with Obesogenic Screening in Pediatric Primary Care Clinics: A description of methods and designs. Poster presentation: American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting; October 2014; San Diego, CA.
October 2014
Provider’s Research
Robin, R; Finnoff, JT. “Can residents learn to perform an accurate ultrasound-guided knee joint injection without practicing on cadavers or patients? A prospective study”. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.


Percutaneous Needle Tenotomy, Peripheral Joint Injections, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections, Sacroiliac Joint Steroid Injection, Trigger Point Injection, Ultrasound-Guided Injections


Axial and Neck Pain, Cervical Radiculopathy, Coccydynia, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Degenerative Disc Disease, Discogenic Pain, Facet Syndrome, Herniated Discs, Kyphosis, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Neuropathic Pain, Pain from Sports Related Injuries, Peripheral Neuralgia/Neuropathy, Piriformis Syndrome, Post Laminectomy Syndrome, Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction, Scoliosis, Spinal Stenosis, Spondylolisthesis, Spondylosis, Trochanteric Bursitis, Vertebral Fracture