Rachel Vinson, MD, MPH


Accepting patients beginning 03/31/2025
Practices In: Glen Ellyn
Patients Seen: Ages Newborn–17
I feel hon­ored to col­lab­o­rate with fam­i­lies in car­ing for their chil­dren. I val­ue clear and open com­mu­ni­ca­tion and work close­ly with fam­i­lies to edu­cate and empow­er them in mak­ing informed health­care deci­sions. I strive to meet the unique needs of each child while ensur­ing par­ents feel heard and supported.

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Board Certifications
American Board of Pediatrics
Clinical Interests
Gen­er­al pedi­atrics, new­born care, pre­ven­ta­tive care, ado­les­cent medicine.
Personal Interests
I enjoy explor­ing nature, ten­nis, trav­el­ing to new places and spend­ing time with my family.
American Academy of Pediatrics
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine Graduation Date: 2007 Degree: MD
Duke University School of Medicine Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School Research Fellowship in Integrative Medicine