Patricia Badway, MSN, APRN, PMHNP-BC, FNP-C

Behavioral & Mental Health, Psychiatry

Practices In: Naperville
Patients Seen: Ages 8–65

Behav­ioral health requires a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary approach of psy­chi­atric care, coun­sel­ing, nutri­tion and fit­ness. Through high­ly indi­vid­u­al­ized care, I aim to empow­er my patients to enhance their qual­i­ty of life and thrive in their surroundings.

Behav­ioral & Men­tal Health insur­ance cov­er­age varies by provider.

Pri­or to sched­ul­ing with a Behav­ioral & Men­tal Health (IPD) provider, please con­firm with your insur­ance car­ri­er that this provider is con­sid­ered in-net­­work and cov­ered by your insur­ance plan.

Clinical Interests

Psy­chi­atric con­di­tions includ­ing (but not lim­it­ed to) Anx­i­ety, Bipo­lar Dis­or­der, Major Depres­sive Dis­or­der, Mood Dis­or­der, Obses­sive Com­pul­sive Dis­or­der, Per­son­al­i­ty Dis­or­ders, PTSD, Psy­chosis and Schiz­o­phre­nia, Sub­stance Use Dis­or­ders and Med­ica­tion Assist­ed Treatment.

Personal Interests

Run­ning, gar­den­ing and spend­ing time my hus­band and children.

Western Governors University Graduation Date: 2014 Degree: Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Olivet Nazarene University Graduation Date: 2019 Degree: Master of Science in Nursing


ADD, ADHD, Addiction, Adolescent Mental Health, Alcohol Abuse, Anxiety, Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Communication, Depression, Dual Diagnosis, Fertility Issues, Grief & Loss, Panic Disorder, Personality Disorders, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Relationships, Schizophrenia, Self-harm, Smoking Cessation, Stress Management, Substance Abuse, Trauma, Treatment Resistance, Women's Health

Treatment Styles
