Noelle Witwer, MD


Practices In: Addison, Bloomingdale, Glen Ellyn
Patients Seen: Adolescents and Adults
I care deeply about my patients and I view the patient-physi­cian rela­tion­ship as a part­ner­ship. One of my aims is to get to know you as a per­son and learn about your per­son­al val­ues. After lis­ten­ing care­ful­ly to your med­ical his­to­ry and under­stand­ing your unique needs, I will work with you to devel­op a care plan aimed at max­i­miz­ing your func­tion and improv­ing your qual­i­ty of life.

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Awards & Accolades
Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society 2024
Clinical Interests
Mus­cu­loskele­tal pain, upper and low­er extrem­i­ty joint pain, non-inter­ven­­tion­al spine care, sacroil­i­ac joint dys­func­tion, neu­ropa­thy, elec­tro­di­ag­nos­tic med­i­cine, spasticity
Personal Interests
I enjoy stay­ing active with yoga, pilates, weight lift­ing, bik­ing and hik­ing. I also enjoy bak­ing, read­ing, and spend­ing time with fam­i­ly and friends.
Indiana University School of Medicine Degree: Doctor of Medicine
Loma Linda University Health Resident in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation