Nicole Curi, DPT

General Physical Therapy, Physical & Occupational Therapy, Sports Medicine Therapy

Accepting patients beginning 03/17/2025
Practices In: Elmhurst
Patients Seen: Ages 8+
When we are injured, we want to find a phys­i­cal ther­a­pist who lis­tens, coach­es, and empow­ers. My goal is to help you achieve your goals. I have worked with ath­letes who want to get back to com­pe­ti­tion all the way to patients in their 90’s who want to reduce their fall risk. I view my patients as my team­mates and togeth­er we can get you back to what mat­ters most.


location icon


536 S York St

Suite 101

Elmhurst, Illinois 60126


(General Physical Therapy)


(Sports Medicine Therapy)


(Physical & Occupational Therapy)
Professional Certifications
CPR, ASTYM-Certified, Blood Flow Restriction Certification, AED Certified
Clinical Interests
I enjoy treat­ing the hip, knee, foot/​ankle, shoul­der, and back. I am cer­ti­fied in Gras­ton and do have a spe­cial focus work­ing with ath­letes specif­i­cal­ly run­ning, soc­cer, bas­ket­ball and over­head sports. I also have a lot of expe­ri­ence in treat­ing the geri­at­ic population.
Personal Interests
I enjoy spend­ing time out­side of work with my hus­band and our daugh­ter. We recent­ly moved to Elmhurst and are con­tin­u­ing to explore all of the restau­rants, parks and oth­er com­mu­ni­ty activ­i­ties in the West­ern Sub­urbs. I enjoy long-dis­tance run­ning and play­ing in a com­pet­i­tive ten­nis league. Out­side of sports, I love find­ing new recipes on Instagram.
Saint Louis University Graduation Date: 2018 Degree: Bachelors Science- Exercise Science BSES