Michael Saad, MD

Immediate Care

Practices In: Glen Ellyn, Hinsdale, Lisle
Patients Seen: All Ages

In the Imme­di­ate Care set­ting I work with patients and their fam­i­lies to address acute needs and ill­ness in a time­ly man­ner. I strive to col­lab­o­rate with my patients in order to cre­ate a treat­ment plan that can be the suc­cess­ful roadmap to health and recovery.

Board Certifications
Emergency Medicine
Clinical Interests

As an Emer­gency Med­i­cine physi­cian I am trained to treat a wide vari­ety of injury and ill­ness that effects patients of all ages.

Personal Interests

I enjoy water sports, bik­ing and spend­ing time with my family.