Michael Forbes, DO - Lisle Family Doctor

Michael Forbes, DO

Family Medicine

Practices In: Woodridge
Patients Seen: All Ages

I will lis­ten. We can iden­ti­fy the prob­lems at hand. And then we will come up with a plan. I will either help you myself right away, or I will quick­ly con­nect you to a spe­cial­ist with­in the Duly net­work so that you can now find the solu­tions you are seeking.

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Clinical Interests

Anx­i­ety, Depres­sion, Fit­ness and weight man­age­ment, Growth and aging, Insomnia

Personal Interests

Grilling smoky foods, grow­ing spices in the gar­den, paint­ing land­scapes and ani­mals, hik­ing through rough trails, and walk­ing down­town to get some ice cream on a hot day.

Midwestern University Graduation Date: 2019 Degree: DO
Hinsdale Family Medicine Resident in Family Medicine
Provider’s Research
A Retrospective Analysis: COVID-19 Patients, Treatments, and Outcomes of AMITA South. December 2021.