Melissa A. Struck, AuD, CCC-A

Hearing & Audiology

Practices In: Joliet
Patients Seen: All Ages

As an audi­ol­o­gist, I strive to pro­vide patient-cen­tered care with empa­thy, com­pas­sion, kind­ness, and under­stand­ing. Patient and fam­i­ly dynam­ics and needs are very impor­tant to me when cre­at­ing a hear­ing health­care plan. Patient involve­ment is impor­tant for the accep­tance and treat­ment of hear­ing loss.

Clinical Interests

I am extreme­ly inter­est­ed in the med­ical dis­eases asso­ci­at­ed with audi­ol­o­gy. Hav­ing knowl­edge with many med­ical dis­eases helps to cor­rect­ly treat these patients and gives insight to any pro­gres­sion of the dis­ease in the future. I am also inter­est­ed in help­ing patient who expe­ri­ence tin­ni­tus and sin­gle-sided deafness.

Personal Interests

I enjoy spend­ing time with my fiancé at home with our dogs and cats. I enjoy vis­it­ing fam­i­ly and friends. I espe­cial­ly love watch­ing movies/​TV series, shop­ping, trav­el­ing, work­ing out, nap­ping, going to Chica­go Cubs base­ball games, tak­ing my dogs for walks, and going for bike rides.

American Academy of Audiology
Illinois State University Graduation Date: 2018 Degree: BS
Illinois State University Graduation Date: 2023 Degree: AuD
Provider’s Research
Gaps in geriatric screenings for residential communities. ISU Research Symposium, Normal, IL., Wiedeman, M., Panzarella, K., Rothbauer, N., & Joseph., A. (2018, April) Advancing audiologic care through a collaborative interdisciplinary model. ISU Research Symposium, Normal, IL, Panzarella, K., Wiedeman, M., Rothbauer, N., & Joseph., A. (2018, April)


Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids, Custom Hearing Protection and Musician Ear Molds, Diagnostic Audiometry, Hearing Aids and Assistive Listening Devices, Hearing Tests, Immittance Testing, Micro Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids (Mini BTE), Otoacoustic Emissions Testing, Receiver in the Canal (RIC) Hearing Aids, Swim Mold


Conductive Hearing Loss, Mixed Hearing Loss, Sensoineural Hearing Loss, Single-sided Deafness, Tinnitus