Megan Farris, MS, RDN, LDN

Diabetes Care & Education, Nutrition Services

Practices In: Bloomingdale, Lombard
Patients Seen: Ages 18+
I love watch­ing my patients grow and achieve their goals. It is among the most reward­ing and moti­vat­ing work I have done. I uti­lize a vari­ety of approach­es based in cur­rent clin­i­cal research to help my patients achieve their nutri­tion-relat­ed goals so they may attain sus­tain­able bal­ance. I want all of my patients to enjoy eat­ing and know the best kinds of food to eat to improve their over­all qual­i­ty of life.
Professional Certifications
Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist, Registered Dietitian
Clinical Interests

Dia­betes Edu­ca­tion, Weight Man­age­ment, Mal­nu­tri­tion, Food Aller­gies, Celi­ac and Non-celi­ac Gluten Intol­er­ance, and Pedi­atric Feed­ing Therapy

Personal Interests
Play­ing with my kid­dos, Hik­ing, Cro­chet­ing, Cook­ing, Per­form­ing, Coaching
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Northern Illinois University Graduation Date: 2021 Degree: M.S. Nutrition and Dietetics
Northern Illinois University Graduation Date: 2017 Degree: B.S. Nutrition, Health and Wellness
Millikin Univeristy Graduation Date: 2003 Degree: B.F.A. Theater Performance
Provider’s Publications
Virtual Medical Improvisation Training Increases Nutrition Students’ Self-Efficacy for Telehealth Interpersonal Communication Skills
September 2021
Provider’s Research
Medical Improvisation